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Decision Making (Draft)

Qubic operates on a democratic model. Every member of the community has a say in decision making. Community input is essential to maintaining the decentralised nature of Qubic and ensuring its evolution aligns with the needs and wants of its users, with key decisions made collectively by the Quorum. This process ensures that all voices are heard and that the ecosystem evolves in a way that benefits all users.

How Decisions are Made

Decision-making in Qubic involves several steps:

  1. Idea: Any member of the Qubic community can propose a change or new feature. This idea is then shared with the entire community for consideration.
  2. Discussion: Community members can discuss the idea, ask questions, and offer feedback. The person who made the proposal may revise it based on the feedback received.
  3. Proposal: After a thorough discussion, the idea can evolve into a formal proposal. This proposal incorporates all the feedback and revisions from the community discussion. It provides a detailed plan of action, clearly stating what the change or new feature is and how it will be implemented.
  4. Voting: Once the proposal is finalised, it is put to a vote. The Quorum must participate in the vote for the decision to be valid.
  5. Implementation: If the proposal receives majority support in the Computor vote, it is accepted and moves onto the implementation phase. If not, it is either revised for further consideration or discarded.

Why is the Quorum important?

The quorum-based decision-making process in Qubic promotes fairness, transparency, and inclusivity. It gives every Computor a say in the project's future and helps to build a more robust and resilient Qubic ecosystem.

Your Role in Decision Making

As a member of the Qubic community, you have a role to play in decision making. You are encouraged to submit ideas, review and comment on existing ideas, draft proposals and participate in the voting process (if you have the status of a Computor). Your voice matters, so do not hesitate to get involved and help shape the future of Qubic!