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Go Library

The Go Qubic Library provides tools to interact with a blockchain-based betting system. It includes functionalities for client interactions, data type conversions, bet management, date parsing, wallet management, and cryptographic operations.

For full documentation, please visit the Go Qubic Library GitHub repository.

Go Archiver Service

The Go Qubic Archiver Service's purpose is to store and make available data regardless of the current epoch.

High Level Description

The archive system consists of two services:

  • qubic-archiver: The archiver processor and HTTP server that provides RPC endpoints to query the archiver.
  • qubic-nodes: A service responsible for providing information regarding reliable nodes and the max tick of the network.

For full documentation, please visit the Qubic Archiver GitHub repository.

Go Nodes Service

The purpose of the qubic-nodes service is to continuously check node reliability and provide, upon request, a list of reliable nodes.

For full documentation, please visit the Qubic Go Nodes Service GitHub repository.

Go Node Fetcher

For full documentation, please visit the Go Node Fetcher GitHub repository.

Go SchnorrQ

Schnorr signature on FourQ for Qubic.

For full documentation, please visit the Go SchnorrQ GitHub repository.