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Separation of Power

The Qubic system has been designed with the core principle of decentralisation in mind. The unique approach to governance ensures that power within the system is not concentrated in a single entity. This is achieved through the separation of power between the Quorum and the Arbitrator.

The Quorum is defined as a group of ⅔+ (or 451+) Computors that participate in making important network decisions such as validating transactions and maintaining consensus (i.e reaching the same result before considering it final). The Arbitrator, on the other hand, resolves disagreements, sets parameters for the mining algorithm, publishes Computor lists after each epoch, and can remove underperforming Computors. To ensure there is no incentive to collude, the Arbitrator receives the remaining revenue after Computors have been allocated their reward. This averages around 1% per epoch.

Both entities play significant roles in the Qubic ecosystem. However, it is crucial to prevent one entity from controlling both the Quorum and the Arbitrator to preserve the integrity and decentralisation of the network. If the same entity controls both, it may create an environment where Computors could choose to maintain their own status instead of promoting a healthy competition. This could potentially disrupt the overall balance of the network and hinder its growth and development.

In conclusion, the separation of power in the Qubic ecosystem is not just about distributing responsibilities; it's about preserving the core principle of decentralisation and ensuring the network remains robust, fair, and democratic.