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Proposals (Draft)

In the Qubic community, decisions aren't made by a single person or a centralized group of people. Instead, they are made by the community as a whole through a democratic and transparent process. A key aspect of this process is the proposal system.

What are Proposals?

Proposals are suggestions for changes, improvements, or new features for the Qubic ecosystem. They can be put forward by any member of the Qubic community. Proposals cover a wide range of topics, from minor tweaks and bug fixes to major changes that could redefine how Qubic operates.

How to Make a Proposal

Anyone in the Qubic community can make a proposal. Here's how:

  1. Identify an Issue or Opportunity: You might have identified a problem that needs fixing, an opportunity for improvement, or a new feature that could benefit the entire community.
  2. Draft Your Proposal: Write a detailed description of what you want to change. Be clear about the problem or opportunity, your proposed solution, and the benefits it would bring to Qubic.
  3. Submit Your Proposal: Post your proposal on the designated platform where Qubic community members can review it. Be sure to check any formatting guidelines or submission rules.
  4. Community Review: Community members can review, comment on, and ask questions about your proposal. Be open to feedback and ready to make revisions if necessary.

How are Proposals Reviewed?

After a proposal is submitted, it is reviewed by the community. Review involves:

  • Evaluating the problem or opportunity identified in the proposal.
  • Assessing the feasibility of the proposed solution.
  • Considering the potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • Asking questions and seeking clarifications from the proposer.

Community members are encouraged to take an active role in the review process, as the decision will be made collectively.

How are Decisions Made on Proposals?

Decisions on proposals are made democratically, through a voting process involving quorums. If a proposal gains support from the majority, it is accepted and moves onto the implementation phase.

Remember, the proposal process is a chance for you to help shape the future of Qubic. Your ideas and opinions matter, so don't hesitate to get involved!

The voting Basics & Rules

  • A proposal consits of an URL where the proposal is documented. This Website should be somthing that cannot be altered. Explain what you propose and show which options the computors can choose from.
  • A proposal can have up to 7 options to vote for and must be sorted without gaps, duplicates make the proposal invalid.
  • Proposals and ballots are valid only per epoch (lifetime)
  • Per epoch and computor only one proposal is allowed per epoch
  • A computor that has proposed anything is not allowed to participate in voting for this epoch. But the first option from the published proposal is taken as own computor's vote.
  • Proposals and ballots are published when the computor is tick leader (in the worst case, you need to wait 676 ticks to see your votes counting)
  • The peer where the computor seed is running must be in the latest tick to issue a vote
  • A proposal with less than 451 votes is invalid
  • A valid vote is one that votes for one of the given options in the proposal
  • The result of a proposal is the option which has got scrictly more or equal than 50% (226 votes) of Quorum (451)
  • If none of the options has got the minimum votes (226), then another proposal should be published with the two most popular options only. In some cases if #1/#2 places are shared by several options more voting steps may be needed